NOMU: Neural Optimization-based Model Uncertainty

Author(s): Jakob Heiss, Jakob Weissteiner, Hanna Wutte, Sven Seuken, Josef Teichmann
Venue: arXiv
Year: 2021



We introduce a new approach for capturing model uncertainty for neural networks (NNs) in regression, which we call Neural Optimization-based Model Uncertainty (NOMU). The main idea of NOMU is to design a network architecture consisting of two connected sub-networks, one for the model prediction and one for the model uncertainty, and to train it using a carefully designed loss function. With this design, NOMU can provide model uncertainty for any given (previously trained) NN by plugging it into the framework as the sub-network used for model prediction. NOMU is designed to yield uncertainty bounds (UBs) that satisfy four important desiderata regarding model uncertainty, which established methods often do not satisfy. Furthermore, our UBs are themselves representable as a single NN, which leads to computational cost advantages in applications such as Bayesian optimization. We evaluate NOMU experimentally in multiple settings. For regression, we show that NOMU performs as well as or better than established benchmarks. For Bayesian optimization, we show that NOMU outperforms all other benchmarks.

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